
Why this route: Simple really… If you just get a quote, what are you really getting? Do you know all the technical nitty gritty, do you know the materials – which are so often so poorly specified. Are you sure your staircase will be safe. NHBRC (National Home Builders Registration Council) and SANS (South African National Standard) compliant? Don’t make mistakes, we have already made them and learned from them. it’s not worth having the job done twice, (bad for your health and your pocket) Let us take care of your new favourite feature spot to be. Staircase Artisans, play the same way…


R5 000 for 2D staircase drawings.

We work with private homeowners, developers, builders, and architects. If it’s only 2D development staircase drawings with dimensions you desire to determine what is possible in the space you have, we are the right people for the job and we deliver.


R10 000 for 2D staircase drawings and 3D-drawing models.

We work with private homeowners, developers, builders, and architects. This package not only include 2D development staircase drawings with dimensions you desire to determine what is possible in the space you have, but also a complete set of realistic 3D-drawings models with different views of the staircase.


R13 000 for development staircase drawing, 3D drawings, and detailed production drawing.

We work with private homeowners, developers, builders, and architects. This full-on service package not only include 2D development drawings with dimensions you desire to determine what is possible in the space you have, a complete set of realistic 3D drawings models with different views of the staircase, but also detailed production drawings for the needed laser-cut parts, and timber treads. Assembly and installing drawing if needed. I could also get quotations for the laser-cut parts, and the timber stairs and landing, to get the best prices, for you to compare, if needed.